Wyoming & Lillio Academy
Can I use Lillio Academy for PD hours in Wyoming?
Yes! Lillio Academy is approved by the Wyoming STARS registry and the Wyoming Department of Family Services. Lillio Academy’s Registry ID is 100-014-032.
Please Note: All Webinars and Lillio Basic Courses must NOT be submitted to your registry. They do not meet specific learning requirements for the state and will not be accepted if submitted.
Sign up for Lillio Academy to complete your professional development hours at your convenience! You can work at your own pace from wherever you want. Once you complete a course, you can download your certificate! Your attendance will be submitted to The Wyoming STARS Registry.
Wyoming Child Care Training Requirements:
In accordance with ch.4.sec.9 of the Child Care Licensing Rules, any person engaged in child care 24 hours or more per month, providing direct care for children, or counted in staff: child ratios shall complete a minimum of 32 training credits or 22 hours of professional development within 2 years based on the licensing date. Directors are required to meet all training requirements regardless of the number of hours the director is engaged in direct supervision of children.
At most, 50% of the required training credits shall be acquired from videos, books, or other written, pre-recorded materials, except when it is demonstrated that other training options are not available. Each Continuing Education Unit (CEU) amounts to 15 training credits. Staff working directly with infants require a minimum of 4 infant training credits annually.
8 training credits must include the following training topics:
Infectious disease control (blood-borne pathogens)
Fire safety (building and physical premises safety)
Handling and storage of hazardous materials
Mandatory reporting (recognition and reporting of suspected child abuse or neglect)
Safety and health of children (emergency preparedness and disaster planning)
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Safe Sleep practices
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Transportation safety
24 elective training credits must include the following training topics:
Early learning
Early childhood
Child growth and development
Early childhood professionals on all levels of the Wyoming Early Childhood Career Ladder are required to accrue 16 hours of professional development or STARS credits throughout their employing facility’s licensing year.
Training topics include the following:
Safety and Health of Children
Fire Safety
Sanitation Procedures
First Aid
Medication Administration
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Safe Sleep Practices
Blood Borne Pathogens
Child Abuse
Neglect Shaken Baby Syndrome
Click here to learn more about the courses Lillio Academy offers covering required training topics!
Opening a facility or beginning work in the childcare field:
If you are interested in opening a child care program or working in the child care field, please contact your state licensing agency for your state's specific requirements, rules, and regulations. The Wyoming licensing website can be found here.
Last Updated: January 2025
Though Lillio attempts to maintain accurate and up-to-date information, educators are individually responsible for understanding the submission and approval process of all professional development and licensing work in their state.