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HomeManagement Tips7 Tips for Hiring a Preschool Teacher

7 Tips for Hiring a Preschool Teacher

Whether you’re opening a brand new preschool, or are simply looking to expand your current team, hiring a preschool teacher who is the right fit can be a challenge. We recommend following these 7 tips to ensure your next hire is the best possible teacher for your center.

Preschool owners know that the most important part of their programming is not their curriculum, their meal plan, or their facility: It’s the quality of teachers they employ. That’s why it’s so essential that you take your time in hiring a preschool teacher, so you can ensure the success of your students and build the reputation of your preschool within the community.

In order to hire the best possible teachers for your preschool, we recommend following these tips:

1. Attract Quality Candidates

One of the first steps in the process of hiring a preschool teacher is to attract high-quality job candidates in the first place. If your preschool has a solid reputation, offers fair pay, benefits and an inclusive environment, you’re well on your way to attracting good quality teachers.

2. Offer Professional Development Opportunities

Stating that you will offer development opportunities to successful candidates will help you attract the right type of teachers who are always looking to further their knowledge. This is a bonus for you as a preschool owner, as well as your teachers. They get to build their skills, and you get to take advantage of their increased knowledge.

3. Look for Loyal Applicants

When comparing candidates, look at those who have remained with one employer for a period of time, rather than those who have bounced around from preschool to preschool. Staying with one employer demonstrates loyalty (and means they are likely to stick with you in the long term). Additionally, it shows that they are a good teacher, as their past employer retained them for a substantial period of time.

4. Look for Education

Of course, you’ll want to take a look at a candidate’s education when hiring a preschool teacher. Your ideal candidates will not only have several years of experience in teaching, they will also have a degree in Early Childhood Education. Also look for candidates who have already pursued additional qualifications, demonstrating that they are eager to improve their approach to teaching.

5. Get References

The best predictor of future performance is past performance, so make sure you talk to not only to the candidate’s past employers, but also families that have worked with the teacher. This way, you’ll get honest feedback about the candidate from two different perspectives to help you make your decision.

6. Ask About Their Educational Philosophy

Inquire about each candidate’s philosophies on learning and development. Generally, you’ll want to think about hiring a preschool teacher who follows an emergent curriculum. At minimum, the candidate should offer a thorough and passionate response that clearly demonstrates their dedication to early education.

7. Observe Interaction With Children

You can truly learn a lot by observing the preschool teachers you are thinking of hiring as they deliver programming to a class. If possible, see how he or she interacts with children in a group setting, as well as one on one to get a real feel for how they connect with their students. You will want to also make sure they are able to handle a full classroom of children.

When hiring a preschool teacher, keep in mind that what is on a candidate’s resume is only half the story. The individuals you hire should always be a great fit with your personal philosophy on early childhood education, and fit in with the overall culture of your existing staff!

How do you ensure that your center is hiring fantastic teachers? Join the conversation at @HiMamaSocialand make sure to sign up for updates from our HiMama Blog for updates on similar content in the future!

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Ron is the Co-Founder of Lillio a social-purpose business that helps early childhood educators improve learning outcomes for children.

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