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HomeCenter managementAdvantages of Online Childcare Invoices

Advantages of Online Childcare Invoices

We’re excited to introduce this new capability into our app, allowing child care providers to easily invoice parents according to child enrollment and scheduling, and collect payments quickly and efficiently.

If you’re managing your invoices and billing with paper processes, you’re likely spending hours each month creating accurate invoices according to child attendance records. You then have to distribute the invoices, remind parents that payment is due, and chase any outstanding payments. If you’re not using online childcare invoices, you’re eating up a lot of your valuable time and resources just to manage this process, which could be better spent preparing or teaching.

We’d like to take a moment to explore the great advantages of online childcare invoices for providers:

1. Bill Accurately

Using childcare software, you’ll be able to create more accurate invoices according to actual child attendance. Your online invoices can automatically include any late payment fees, after-hours charges, and of course, regular tuition. Manual errors will be reduced, so fewer refunds or corrections will be necessary.

2. Collect Payment Faster

When receiving a digital invoice, parents are more likely to pay quickly. With online payment processing, your daycare can collect funds quickly, since payment takes just a few clicks. Compared to traditional collection of payment which can involve cash or checks, online childcare invoices can make the process much faster.

3. Keep Better Records

When invoices are generated and stored digitally, you and your staff will have past payment information accessible whenever and wherever you need it. Should you need to check the status of a payment or reference an older invoice, this information can be accessed immediately.

4. Generate Reports Quickly

Using online childcare invoices, you can create reports of outstanding payments in no time at all. This can save you time when following up with parents regarding late payments and allow you to apply late fees when necessary.

5. Create Receipts

With online payments, you can provide instant receipts to parents for their own records. No more paper receipts are required to show proof of payment!

6. Increased Security

When payment time comes around, your child care center will no longer need to keep large amounts of cash around or store checks until a deposit can be made. Online payment processing is safe and secure, and no money needs to be physically stored at your location.

Want to learn more about what HiMama has to offer? Contact us today to schedule a demo!

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