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HomeCenter managementeBook: The Complete Guide to Hiring & Retaining Early Childhood Educators

eBook: The Complete Guide to Hiring & Retaining Early Childhood Educators

Hiring and retention are some of the biggest challenges in any industry, but this is perhaps most true in early education. Despite being one of the most important jobs, early childhood educators are typically overworked and underpaid, with little recognition for all of their hard work. This then results in high rates of turnover, making running a child care center all the more difficult.

In The Complete Guide to Hiring & Retaining Early Childhood Educators, we take an in-depth look at the #1 issue facing child care providers: staff hiring and retention. We’ve compiled the industry’s research and best practices to provide practical, hands-on advice to start improving your staff management today.

complete guide to hiring and retaining early childhood educators ebook preview

This free eBook dives deep into proven techniques to find, hire, motivate and keep the best early childhood educators in your area, including:

  • Creating a compelling job listing
  • Finding qualified candidates
  • Conducting a thorough interview
  • Effectively onboarding new staff
  • Keeping staff motivated
  • Avoiding burnout
  • Preventing staff turnover

Whether you’re hiring employee #1 or 1,000, download the free eBook below to improve the quality of care at your center by becoming the best employer you can be.

Happy hiring!

the complete guide to hiring and retaining early childhood educators ebook download

Michael writes for HiMama's early childhood education blog and ECE Weekly newsletter. When not developing content for early childhood professionals, he can usually be found out and about with his wife and daughter exploring all that Toronto has to offer, or playing music with his karaoke band.

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