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HomeCenter managementTeam Building Using The Enneagram Framework

Team Building Using The Enneagram Framework

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Having a strong support system at your child care center is so important now, more than ever. In this webinar, we learn about The Enneagram framework of different personality types. An enneagram quiz is a personality test that describes people in terms of 9 different enneagram types. We will go through how to use enneagram tests to better understand your team and build a stronger community at your center by knowing these enneagram types and taking part in team building activities.

🎤 Our Special Guests

Beth Cannon, International Speaker, Educator, Owner of Stretch-n-Grow

Beth Cannon is an international speaker, educator, and entrepreneur known for her passion for engaging leaders and inspiring teams. With 25+ years of diverse experience, she is known for her niche in creating compelling content that captures the audience. Through her relationships in the faith and early childhood spaces, Beth was invited over and over to create and deliver strategies and solutions as a keynote speaker and workshop presenter.

🧪 Key Learning Outcomes from Beth – Enneagram Types and Team Building Activities

The Enneagram Framework – It’s an overview of 9 different personality types that help you understand your own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to problem solving, self awareness and interpersonal dynamics. Self understanding can help with your professional development process.

A Team Building Exercise – Try running group enneagram activities with your team using the Enneagram framework. Have each member of the team take the personality tests to identify their types and then share it with the rest of the team. This enneagram activity will be a fun team building event that will give everyone better perspective on how to work with each other based on their enneagram types!

Everyone Processes Differently – Understanding and accepting that different people prioritize different things when problem solving and that personality type differs. This makes a huge difference when working together as a team, and can help each personality type understand how they can become self-confident. A great team of teachers will also help with providing care and helping your own students learn in the classroom.

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Carmen is the Marketing Coordinator and Preschool Podcast Manager on the HiMama team. She's been working with childcare business owners and consultants for 3 years. She is passionate making connections that empower the ECE Community through knowledge-sharing to support better outcomes for children, their families, and society!

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