Educator use of technology in the preschool classroom
The topic of technology in preschool classrooms is a highly debated issue among educators today. While much of the messaging related to the use of technology and children recommends that tech takes a backseat, it can play an important role in a preschool curriculum when used properly to facilitate learning.
It is important to allow your curriculum to guide the technology you choose to use in the classroom, rather than the other way around. When technology is strategically integrated into your curriculum, you will not only reinforce the essential technical skills that children need to succeed in the today’s world, but it can also enhance learning and increase engagement among your students.
Before introducing any type of technology into your preschool, take the time to think about how the tool will support your students in achieving developmental and personal goals. Try to select youth-focused technologies that are highly engaging and interactive, allowing children to have control over how they use the device or software. Aim to incorporate a variety of technological mediums, from video recording to audio devices, computer softwares, websites and much more.
How to Successfully Introduce Technology
Early childhood professionals play an important role in introducing technology in the classroom, by taking risks and learning to use various mediums to enhance the level and quality of care they provide. As educators, it is recommended to embrace the rapidly emerging technologies that are making their way into child care. In order to create lifelong learners in the classroom, teachers must be lifelong learners themselves, and that means working and improving their tech related skills. Hands-on technology training for educators sets you, and the technology you choose up for success when it is implemented into the classroom.
You and your staff can advance your tech skills by seeking out professional development opportunities that are specifically tailored to technology used in the preschool classrooms. Keep in mind that early childhood educators should practice using the technology before implementing it into the classroom, not only to become familiar, but also to avoid technical difficulties and ensure that you can effectively engage your students.
By introducing the right types of technology to the classroom, educators can further support the development of young minds. One type of technology in the preschool classroom that benefits teachers, students and parents alike is a child care app. HiMama is an innovative platform that allows for faster documentation, easy reporting, simplified communication between parents and educators and much more.
To find out more about how HiMama can support your classroom, contact us today!
Ron is the Co-Founder of Lillio a social-purpose business that helps early childhood educators improve learning outcomes for children.
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