The multiple levels of impact from professional development
There are several factors to what makes a center successful, but none is more important than the quality of the educators. Effective design and delivery of professional development are crucial to the success of an educator. Participating in professional development means that you’re thinking and transforming your practice to meet current pedagogical needs.
Children’s achievements increase because of educators’ innovative practice. Educational spaces should be places where both adults and children learn. Staff who routinely develop their own knowledge and skills model for children that learning is important and useful. Professional development impacts our teaching and learning. It is essential for us as educators to uphold ourselves to a high standard and stay engaged with current thinking.
Levels of impact
Raising awareness
Ongoing professional development enhances our understanding of variations in the quality of Early Childhood Education. It gives educators the ability to gain skills such as critical reflection towards daily practices in a center. It also increases confidence and the ability to implement innovative pedagogy as well as critical reflection, which is an essential part of professionalism.
Acquiring or enhancing knowledge or skills
Not only is the basic knowledge of Early Childhood Education important, but so is the desire to continue to gain knowledge. Increased knowledge enhances empowerment and competence, as well as trust in pedagogical choices and abilities. Also, awareness of past pedagogical practices and teaching practices becomes more meaningful.
Educators use what they learn to improve teaching and leadership
What do enhanced developmental skills look like for an educator?
- Increased cognitive abilities.
- New skills for the profession.
- Reaching a level of proficiency with traditional tools.
Supporting educators’ confidence
This can look like this:
- The ability to advocate for Early Childhood Education
- More confident in their own pedagogical thinking and professional identity.
- Ability to make a strong case for the importance of Early Childhood Education
- Increased confidence in communicating with families.
- A renewed sense of community with colleagues at a center.
- Stronger sense of leadership.
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