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Alaska’s Early Learning Guidelines

Location: Alaska, US

Authors: Alaska Department of Education and Early Development

Alaska’s Early Learning Guidelines have been adopted from the Washington State Guidelines and have been adopted and edited to fit the unique needs of the children of Alaska. The frameworks works to cover the dimensions of the development in children. The dimensions covered in Alaska’s Early Learning Guidelines are Physical Well-Being, Health and Motor Development, Social and Emotional Development, The dimensions covered in Alaska’s Early Learning Guidelines are Physical Well-Being, Health and Motor Development, Social and Emotional Development, Approaches to Learning, Cognition and General Knowledge, as well as Communication, Language, and Literacy. The main goal is to develop each of these areas as the Department of Education believes that no one domain is more important than another.

The guidelines are created in such a way that there is a domain, sub-domain, domain component, as well as a goal statement for each observation or statement in regards to the development of children. Each domain covers a broad spectrum. A sub-domain indicates one individual aspect of the domain, while each sub-domain is comprised of domain components which indicates one area of learning. Lastly, the goal statement indicates the expectation for an individual child, including what they should know and be able to achieve. Each statement then falls under an age group while also including indicators describing the observation.

For more information, visit the Alaska’s Early Learning Guidelines website.

Lillio's work involves collaborating with early care and education associations to support their efforts in teacher empowerment and parent engagement.