Oklahoma Early Learning Guidelines
Location: Oklahoma, US
Authors: Oklahoma Department of Human Services, Child Care Services
Created with the intentions of creating consistence amongst early childhood programs across the state of Oklahoma, the Oklahoma Department of Human Services, Child Care Services, created framework which include commonly held expectations developed through best practices and observations for children from birth to five years of age.
The Oklahoma Early Learning Guidelines indicates that a teacher is not just an individual in a classroom, parents, caregivers and family as well as any individual who supports or provides guidance for children all fall under this category. Used to compliment a curriculum, and not to replace it, the guidelines work to assist teachers in recognizing what a child knows as well as what they are capable of. Teachers are able to use the guidelines with their curriculums as all areas of development, from social and emotion to cognitive and language have been included to optimize the development of the child as a whole.
There are two guidelines based on age group. One for ages 0 through 36 months and another for ages three through five.
For more information, visit the Oklahoma Early Learning Guidelines website.
Lillio's work involves collaborating with early care and education associations to support their efforts in teacher empowerment and parent engagement.