Preschool Progress
Report Template
This preschool progress report is an early childhood education gem and a must have for sharing a child's progress! It serves as a great preschool assessment checkpoint tool for the domains of learning on one easy-to-read sheet.

Preschool Progress Report Template
Check the progress of each student with this must have preschool progress report sheet (in English) for the domains of learning.
Preschool Progress Report Template
When checking the progress of each of the preschool students, childcare professionals should wait until a child is in a program long enough to get to know them. Choose “checkpoint” times of the year to assess the progress, and find a time during the day to work individually on these skills with each student. This should be a fun activity time with students, so be sure to use this template as a guide for YOU to track milestones, but not for the student to use. For example, when checking progress on shapes, don’t just point to the circle on the progress report template. Instead, use a shape puzzle or shape sorter toy to have the child play with and identify shapes. The same goes for letters. Don’t just point to the letters on the template in alphabetical order. Use flash cards or alphabet magnets out of order for letter identification.
This allows caregivers and preschool teachers to assess a child’s development, for example, the child’s growth, the child’s strength, physical development, fine motor skills, emotional skills, gross motor skills, problem-solving skills, and more. This template can be stored in each child’s portfolio and also used in parent communications to address developmental areas, and to give to parents at parent teacher conferences to review student progress. It can also help with lesson plans for pre-k and act as a preschool report card as a regular check-in as part of the school year. To have all of this one one sheet is wonderful!
Check out all our other daycare printable templates.
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